WHO 2016年年度报告指出,室外空气污染可造成全球每年约300万人的过早死亡。已有研究表明,相较其他大气污染物,颗粒物(PM)对身体健康造成的影响最多,但颗粒物暴露与精神疾病之间的关系尚未得到有力证实。然而,越来越多的研究证据表明了二者之间存在潜在的病因联系。
Braithwaite et al.(2019) 对1974年至2017年关于颗粒物暴露与精神疾病量化关联的相关研究进行了系统性文献综述和荟萃分析,并重点关注了抑郁症风险。图1展示了世界各地研究中PM
图1 世界各地PM2.5长期暴露(>6个月)与抑郁症风险的荟萃分析
在中国地区的有关研究仍相对薄弱。Lin et al.(2017)对PM
2.5污染与抑郁症风险存在显著正比关系。另外,Lin et al.(2016) 和 Gao et al.(2017) 采用交叉研究和时间队列方法,研究了PM
Braithwaite, I. et al. (2019) ‘Air pollution (Particulate matter) exposure and associations with depression, anxiety, bipolar, psychosis and suicide risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis’, Environmental Health Perspectives. Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services, 127(12). doi: 10.1289/EHP4595.
Gao Q, Xu Q, Guo X, Fan H, Zhu H. 2017. Particulate matter air pollution associated with hospital admissions for mental disorders: a time-series study in Beijing, China. Eur Psychiatry 44: 68–75, PMID: 28545011, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.02.492.
Lin G-Z, Li L,Song Y-F, Zhou Y-X, Shen S-Q, Ou C-Q. 2016.The impact of ambient air pollution on suicide mortality: a case-crossover study in Guangzhou,China. Environ Health 15 (1): 90, PMID: 27576574, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-016-0177-1.
Lin H, Guo Y, Kowal P, Airhihenbuwa CO, Di Q, Zheng Y, e tal.2017. Exposure to air pollution and tobacco smoking and their combined effects on depression in six low-and middle-income countries. Br J Psychiatry211(3):157–162, PMID: 28798061, https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.117.202325.
Pun VC, Manjourides J, Suh H .2017. Association of ambient air pollution with depressive and anxiety symptoms in older adults: results from the NSHAP study. Environ Health Perspect 125(3):342–348, PMID: 27517877, https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP494.
WHO. 2016. Ambient Air Pollution: A Global Assessment of Exposure and Burden of Disease. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/250141/9789241511353-eng.pdf [accessed11November2017].
Zijlema WL, Wolf K, Emeny R, Ladwig KH, Peters A, Kongsgård H, et al. 2016. The association of air pollution and depressed mood in 70,928 individuals from four European cohorts. Int J Hyg Environ Health 219(2):212–219, PMID: 26682644, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2015.11.006.